The Magic Pipe

The Magic Pipe Russian , Volshebnaya svirel is a 1998 Russian stop motionanimated feature film directed by Mikhail Tumelya. Work on the film started in 1993, and it was Russias fifth featurelength animation to be released after the collapse of the Soviet Union the first was Underwater Berets in 1991. Over 120 puppets were used in the film. The funds came largely from FAF Entertainment.

There is a very respected Nart named SaynagAldar who lives in a castle on a hill, and he has a beautiful daughter named Agunda who has eyes for noone but herself. In a nearby village lives a shepherd named Atsamaz who was given a magic pipe by a god. Though he loves Agunda, only the pipes music shows his love.One day, SaynagAldar decides that he has had enough, and vows to find a husband for his daughter. He proclaims a contest to see who among the Narts is the most fit, with the gods in heaven deciding the winner. The famous bogatyr Soslan is among the challengers. ........

Source: Wikipedia